Can you have two queens in chess?

Can you have two queens in chess?

Well, even if the king is skilled enough to handle two, ideally is not recommended for obvious reasons. But Can you have 2 Queens in Chess? It is possible to get 2 or more queens in a chess game. This can be done by pawn promotion. Theoretically, each side can get up to 9 queens. In this article, we will…

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checkmate in 2 moves

How to checkmate in 2 moves? ( With video )

Chess becomes fun when you give a checkmate to the opponent player. Many times players try to win the game as fast as possible. The minimum number of moves required to checkmate the opponent, king, in chess is 2 moves. This type of checkmate is known as a fool’s mate. Here are the moves to checkmate in 2 moves: The…

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50 move rule in chess

50 Move Rule In Chess

Chess is a board game that has been around for centuries and has been enjoyed by people of all ages. One of the most important rules in chess is the 50-move rule – but do you know what it is? And how it works? In chess, the 50-move rule states that if 50 consecutive moves have been made by both…

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