
Rooks in Chess-How Does Rooks Move in Chess?

The Queen is easily the strongest piece in the chess game, but the rook comes right after it. Rooks are worth more than bishops and knights because they are more powerful than them, and the best thing about rooks is that their movements are relatively more straightforward or at least simpler than those of bishops and knights.  So, how do…

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Can Chess Pieces Move Backward

Can Chess Pieces Move Backward?

Understanding the movement of pieces and chess pieces names is important while learning chess. Many times beginner players usually ask if chess pieces can move backwards Chess pieces[King, Queen, Rook, Bishop, Knight] can move backwards except for the pawns. This is because pawns can only move 1 or 2 squares at their first move. The rest of the pieces, Bishops,…

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Importance of Chess Opening

Importance of Learning Chess Openings

Learning chess requires lots of effort and dedication. It requires got amount of time to move from beginners to pro-level in the game of chess. Beginner players should have a very good understanding of the basic concepts in chess in order to excel well. A good opening position in a chess game helps the player to convert the game to…

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chess pieces names

Names Of Chess Pieces and their moves

Chess is one of the most popular games in the world. At the initial phase, beginners feel difficult to understand the names of chess pieces and their moves. Chess is played with a set of rules and the aim is to win by checkmating the opponent. To better understand the game, it’s very much important to understand the pieces. Let’s…

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Basic Chess Tactics

Basic Chess tactics for beginners

One best way to progress rapidly in chess is to solve puzzles and strengthen your pattern recognition. The tactic in chess is a series of moves that can change the evaluation of the game drastically.  Tactics can give you a winning material advantage or sometimes even end the game on the spot. That is why it is important to train…

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