Grob Opening starts with 1.g4. Its an aggressive opening for white that opens the kingside pawns and aim to developed the pieces quickly. Like the Polish opening, this move also ignores the...
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Polish opening starts with 1.b4. White ignores the center and gives black an opportunity to choose the structure. White’s idea is to fianchetto the bishop with Bb2. Since move 1.b4 doesn’t put...
You may have heard chess players discussing a chess game verbally, without setting up a chessboard. Entire game of chess can be played without the need of chessboard or pieces. Blindfold chess is...
Bird Opening starts with 1. f4. This opening is less popular for white than the 1.e4, 1.d4 or even 1.c4. White’s idea is to control the dark squares in the center without committing to the advance...
Englund gambit is a queen's pawn opening that starts with 1.d4 e5. The idea is very similar to the Budapest gambit which we saw earlier. But this is really a worse version of the idea because black...
Playing chess is really fun and interesting, but one common issue with amature players is creating blunders in chess games. So how to avoid chess blunders? The best way to avoid chess blunders is...