grob opening in chess

Grob Opening in Chess

Grob Opening starts with 1.g4. Its an aggressive opening for white that opens the kingside pawns and aim to developed the pieces quickly. Like the Polish opening, this move also ignores the centre’s control. In addition, move 1.g4 weakens White’s kingside, where White is most probably going to castle. Therefore this is not very popular opening for white. Black can…

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Polish Chess Opening

Polish Chess Opening

Polish opening starts with 1.b4. White ignores the center and gives black an opportunity to choose the structure. White’s idea is to fianchetto the bishop with Bb2. Since move 1.b4 doesn’t put pressure in the center, it allows black many opportunities to play. Black plays 1…e5 With 1…e5, black attacks the b4 pawn. White doesn’t have to defend it immediately.…

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Blindfold Chess - How to play blindfold chess?

Blindfold Chess – How to play Blindfold Chess?

You may have heard chess players discussing a chess game verbally, without setting up a chessboard. Entire game of chess can be played without the need of chessboard or pieces. Blindfold chess is a form of chess where players play chess without seeing the chessboard or pieces. The game is played through verbal communication of chess notation. It forces the…

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bird opening chess

Bird Opening ( f4 !)

Bird Opening starts with 1. f4. This opening is less popular for white than the 1.e4, 1.d4 or even 1.c4. White’s idea is to control the dark squares in the center without committing to the advance of the central pawn right away. But as we will see, the move f4 weakens the e1-h4 diagonal, which black can exploit. Black has…

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Queen's Pawn Opening

Englund Gambit

Englund gambit is a queen’s pawn opening that starts with 1.d4 e5. The idea is very similar to the Budapest gambit which we saw earlier. But this is really a worse version of the idea because black can’t really regain the pawn and gets no worthy compensation as well. White should be very happy to capture with 2.dxe5. In the…

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How to avoid Blunders in Chess

How to avoid Blunders in Chess?

Playing chess is really fun and interesting, but one common issue with amature players is creating blunders in chess games. So how to avoid chess blunders? The best way to avoid chess blunders is by concentrating on the game and by looking out for the traps. Use your time properly to make the best move. Blunders can happen from beginners…

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